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BJU Press Science Complete Kits CLEARANCE

Teach good academic science with a Christian perspective and worldview with BJU Press Science Curriculum

Traditional Christian-based science courses come in complete homeschool kits for 1st to 12th grades. Everything is planned for you with helpful teacher’s guides, student textbooks, activity or lab manuals, and tests. (Read more…)

BJU Press Biology.
Biology 10
Homeschool Kit
BJU Press
Grade 10
BJU Press Chemistry Kit
Chemistry 11
Homeschool Kit
BJU Press
11th Grade

Read more about BJU Press Science Complete Homeschool Kits for Grades 1 to 12

When you want a complete science curriculum that takes the worry out of teaching your child at home, BJU Press Science Kits cover all the bases—academics, schedules, lesson plans, traditional textbooks, tests, and answer keys. Everything is there for one student and one teacher.

The BJU Press Science activities for the elementary years are very productive. If your children are close in skill levels, you might consider combining two in the same grade. (For example, putting an advanced third grader and an average fifth grader in the 4th-grade curriculum.)

Compared to Apologia’s Exploring Creation series, BJU Press Secondary science curriculum is the more traditional approach (like when I went to school in the 60s and 70s). Like Apologia, it is also a Christian curriculum with a creation science view.

BJU Press Science is a solid academic science curriculum that has been used by homeschoolers with success for over 20 years.

We’ve used everything in the BJU Press science curriculum but the physics (nothing against the physics–they didn’t take it.) Our older children liked these science courses and did well in science at the college level (even though it wasn’t their primary interest.)

Bob Jones homeschool science also has more student activities which include various lab experiments and different types of activities to reinforce learning (Q&A, matching, fill in the blanks, etc.). Those activities are a great way to learn the type of questions that homeschoolers will see in college courses. If you want to complete all the suggested lab exercises, you will need to purchase lab supplies separately. Lab lists come in the Teachers’ materials.

More Science and Biology at Lamp Post Homeschool

Paradigm Science Complete Kits.
Grades 7-12
Berean Builders Science Curriculum at Lam Pos Homeschool.com.
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Savvas Miller & Levine Biology Homeschool Kit.
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Savvas Experience Chemistry Homeschool Package.
High School
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