Dramatized Bible Stories From Your Story Hour
Inspiring and wholesome Bible-inspired stories from the Old and New Testaments are available on audio CDs.
Bible Comes Alive Album #1
List $45.00
Price $39.95
Album 1 Bible Comes Alive CD
The Volume 1 Bible Comes Alive Series CD includes 12 CDs with twenty-four Old Testament stories.
- Adam and Eve—Story of creation and man’s fall
- Cain and Abel—World’s first murderer
The Man who Believed What God Said, Part 1—Noah and the flood - The Man who Believed What God Said, Part 2—Noah and the flood
- The Temple Tower—Tower of Babel
- The Call of Abraham—God calls Abraham
- The Three Strangers—Heavenly messengers visit Abraham
- Sodom—Sodom and Gomorrah
- The Supreme Test—Abraham and Isaac
- A Strange Romance—Isaac marries Rebekah
- The Unlike Twins—Jacob and Esau
- The Cheating Twin—Cheated Jacob marries two wives
- The Mystery of the Disappearing Idols—Rachel steals her father’s idols
- The Case of the Wrestling Twin—Jacob struggles with an angel
- The Coat of Many Colors—Joseph’s Special Coat
- Mrs. Potiphar and the Dungeon—Joseph’s imprisonment
- The King’s Butler and Baker—Joseph interprets dreams
- The King and the Slave—Joseph made prime minister of Egypt
- The Unreasonable Prime Minister—Joseph’s brothers go to Egypt
- The Governor’s Mysterious Feast—Joseph entertains his brothers
- The Long-Delayed Reunion—Joseph reunited with this father
- A Deliverer is Born—Moses
- Moses Fulfills his Destiny—Moses receives assignment from God
- The King with the Heart of Stone—Plagues fall on Egypt
- Miracles by the Sea—Red Sea divided
Features of Your Story Hour CDs
- Play in the car on long trips with the children.
- The Bible Comes Alive CD Series is a great supplement to Bible and history studies.
- Listening to these stories can help build character.
- Save on Bible Comes Alive CD Series during our sale at Lamp Post Homeschool!
List $45.00
Price $39.95