Dramatized True Life Stories Help Build Character
- Wonderful for playing in the car on long trips with the children.
- The inspiring and wholesome stories are available on audio CDs.
- Save on Adventures in Life CDs during our sale at Lamp Post Homeschool!
- Scroll down to see the stories on each Adventures in Life Album.
Album #8
Adventures in Life CD Album 8
Publisher: Your Story Hour
ISBN-13: 9781600790300
List $45.00
Price $39.95
Adventures in Life CD Volume 8 Audio CDs
Twenty-five true life stories full of adventure, suspense, and everyday life situations. The Adventures in Life Volume 8 Set includes 12 CDs.
Titles on Adventures in Life CD Volume 8 include:
- The Strangest Statement—Witness for Christ/Truthfulness
- Nancy Vogue’s Den of Thieves—Honesty
- Phillip’s Great Adventure—Honesty and courage
- Aunt Serena’s Secret—Concern for others/Use of talents
- John Huddleston and his Mule—Persistence/Honesty
- When God Said “Wait a While”—God’s answer to prayer
- The Long Road From Hong Kong—Conversion
- Adoniram Judson Conversion
- Rena—Blind girl recovers
Prayer Planks—Prayer answered - Orphan Arthur—Love and loyalty
- Nip and Tuck—God’s watchful care
- The False Queen—Courtesy
- Inasmuch—First Commandment
Nickel’s Worth of Honesty—Honesty Pays - Sila’s Investment—Reward in helping educate
- The Hidden Money 1—Poverty’s discipline
- The Hidden Money 2—Conversion
- Strangers in the Night—God’s care for His children
- Greg and the Runaway Tractor—Obedience
- What Joe Learned—Obedience
- After Twenty Years—Character Development
- Narcissa Prentiss—Pioneer days
- Little Dan and Big Abe—Lincoln teaches a boy forgiveness
- The Dying Hero—Civil War veteran’s experiences
- Tom and Skip—Consideration for parents
The Wild Dog—Friendship
List $45.00
Price $39.95
Album #9
Adventures in Life CD Album 9
Publisher: Your Story Hour
ISBN-13: 9781600790317
List $45.00
Price $39.95
Adventures in Life Volume 9 Audio CD
Twenty-four true life stories full of adventure, suspense, and everyday life situations. The Adventures in Life CD Volume 9 includes 12 CDs.
Titles on Adventures in Life Volume 9 include:
- Uncle Jake—Kindly old man demonstrates faith
- The Stolen Book—Answered prayer
- 20th Century Hank vs. Medieval Mom—Generation gap
- Three Week’s Notice—Keeping promises
- To Kill a Devil—Returning good for evil
- One Day at a Time—Marcie learns that too many calories equals too many pounds
- The Perfect Valentine—Thoughtfulness of senior citizens
- Footprints—Choosing your friends
- Chicken Charlie—Mistaken judgment
- Coal Oil Johnny—Deceitfulness of riches
- The Bluest Ribbon—Faithfulness rewarded
- The Stolen Catcher’s Mitt—Honesty
- Pine Trees and Pie Dough—Self reliance
- A Piece of String—Gossip and mistaken judgment
- Pan and the Violin—Overcoming difficulties
- Roses and Bluebells—Mother’s day, value of little things
- Polio—Overcoming handicaps
See My Hands—Love in action - The Land of the Free—An immigrant’s frustration in becoming a citizen
- Lone way—Temperance
Why Lennie?—Temperance - Too Soon—Obedience
Finders, Keepers—Honesty - Mr. Touey—Regard for others
The Miller and the Indians—Kindness rewarded - Balto’s Race of Life and Death—Brave, faithful dog
Jon Goeas Seal Hunting—Choosing life’s occupation - Runaway Christmas—Home is more that a house
Irving and the Besetting Sin—Price of disobedience - The Little Lost Cat—The cat that saved the train
Ranger Learns too Late—Playing with sin
List $45.00
Price $39.95
Album #10
Adventures in Life CD Album 10
Publisher: Your Story Hour
ISBN-13: 9781600790324
List $45.00
Price $39.95
Adventures in Life Volume 10 Audio CD
Twenty-seven true life stories full of adventure, suspense, and everyday life situations. The Adventures in Life Volume 10 includes 12 CDs.
Titles on Adventures in Life CD Volume 10 include:
- High Tide—Obedience
- Buddies for Keeps—Honesty and true friendship
- Ellen’s Cross Road—Resisting temptation to cheat
- For His Own Good—Respect for others
- Duke Kindness to pets—a dog story
- Tanni, The Deer—Principles of freedom
- The Biggest Surprise—Greed
Red Skinned Angels—God’s care - The Cover Up—One lie leads to another
When Grandpa Turned Thirteen—Learning obedience - The Private Life of My Dog Bingo—Loyalty of a dog
- Little King—A faithful little dog
- Two Sides—Concern for others
Pete and the Pumpkin Patch—Concern for others - Too Smart—Cheating
Major Barkus—Little dog becomes a hero - Thou Shalt Not Want—Faith and prayer rewarded at Christmas
- The Two Jimmies—Orphan boy finds new home at Christmas time
- Miss Bossy—Overbearing trait corrected
Big Leaguer—Courtesy - The Church in the Meadow—Romantic story of an old church and its members
- The Gift of the Magi—Christmas story
- A Christmas Carol—Charles Dickens classic
- Teenage Dupe—Stewardship and dishonesty
- Nancy Flies—God’s watchful care
- The Measuring Rod—Revealing true motives
- One Day—Difference Faithfulness
Valerie’s Valentine—Love for parents - Courage Plus Friendship—Pioneer family befirends Indians
Ruben and his Queer Moccasins—Boy uses “ice moccasins” to escape - Caracooche—Mary feeds a starving Indian
Captain Smith—Leads his men through the Great Salt Desert
List $45.00
Price $39.95
Album #11
Adventures in Life CD Album 11
Publisher: Your Story Hour
ISBN-13: 9781600790331
List $45.00
Price $39.95
Adventures in Life Volume 11 Audio CD
Twenty-five true life stories full of adventure, suspense, and everyday life situations. The Adventures in Life Volume 11 includes 12 CDs.
Titles on Adventures in Life Volume 11 include:
- Donna’s Uninvited Guest—Learning respect for the elderly
- No Greater Love—Faithfulness and bravery
- The Fierce Protector—God provides protection
Greyfriar’s Bobby—Faithfulness of a dog - Maggie and the Yellow Dogs—God’s protection
Gunga and the Tiger—Indian boy’s courage - Tested—Resisting temptation to be dishonest
- Triangle Tangle—Dishonesty
- Mary Jones and Her Bible—A child’s love for Bible
The 11th Commandment—Christian courtesy - Sharon’s Closet—Neatness and thrift
Unexpected Caller—Standing for right - The Cow and the Senator—An orphan boy makes good
- Rambunctious Doberman—Faithful dog
- Christmas Hearts at Easter—Unselfish Love
- Farmer Whipple, Bachelor—Romantic poem dramatized
- The Crooked Road—Teenage peer pressure
- The Long Train Ride—God’s care for two war orphans
- Christmas Trilogy—The Fantastic Christmas of 1917, Sam and the Christmas Angels.Lori’s “Just for Love”
- A Christmas Story—Dr. Brown’s Christmas party
- The Hidden Treasure—What a treasure is and where to hide it
- What Happened to Danny—Teenage alcohol addiction
- Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief—Thief Shoplifting
- Sow Seeds of Kindness—Kindness saves a family from death
- Trouble with Thieves—Yielding to temptation
- Fool’s Gold—Obedience and honesty
- Judy’s True Friend—Pressure to conform by cheating
- Temptation—Keeping a promise
Phillip Learns a Lesson—Gambling, stealing, wrong associate
List $45.00
Price $39.95
Your Story Hour
All Ages
Your Story Hour
All Ages
Your Story Hour
All Ages
Your Story Hour
All Ages