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Take Time to Remember!

Take Time to Remember
Take Time to Remember

The following was saved from my old blog “Mother of Many Homeschool” at a now-defunct blog site. It is way before the end of the school year, but I hope this will encourage you now.

It is almost the end of another school year–unless you are like some homeschoolers who “school” year round! Usually, at this time of year, we get weary and start feeling like the whole year was a complete failure. All those thoughts start coming in like a flood. If they take hold, we’ll be hard-pressed to continue teaching our children at home next year.

Fortunately for me, we live in Pennsylvania which has one of the most restrictive homeschool laws in the US. We have daily logs, portfolios, achievement tests, evaluations, objectives, and affidavits to prepare. Try multiplying that by 5 or 6. Talk about overwhelming. [Thankfully PA homeschool law has been revised since this was written. It’s much less restrictive!]

What’s good about that? For me, putting together the year-end portfolio for each child helps me to remember where we were when we started the year and to see how far each child has come.

Despite the unfairness of the law (folks in other states have much less restrictive laws, and public school teachers don’t have to do what we do); the one good thing about it is that we have to remember. Doesn’t God want us to remember what He has done for us?

“I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember thy wonders of old.”

Psalm 77:11 KJV

If you are feeling down at the end of this school year, wondering if it was worth it, remember all that the Lord has done in your home teaching! I always feel better when I think about our year from that perspective.


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