myWorld Interactive: Social Studies 5A Bundle 9781428478299

Complete Social Studies Curriculum for 5th Grade

Savvas 2019 myWorld Interactive Social Studies 5A curriculum encourages students to explore their world, expand their thinking, and gain critical literacy skills while covering the core social studies standards. [Features…]

5A Building Our Country Homeschool Bundle

Savvas myWorld Social Studies 5A 9781428478299.
Building Our Country
myWorld Social Studies 5A
Homeschool Bundle
ISBN-13: 9781428478299

List $77.00

Price $61.99

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2019 Savvas myWorld Interactive: myWorld Social Studies 5A Homeschool Bundle: Building Our Country

Publisher: Savvas Learning Company
ISBN-13: 9781428478299

Contents of myWorld Interactive Social Studies 5A Homeschool Bundle

Student Edition myView Social Studies 5A ISBN-13: 9780328973125 A printed, consumable write-in student work text with standards-based science content, phenomena and integrated three-dimensional learning.

One-year subscription to Digital Resources on Savvas Realize™  [Formerly called Pearson Realize™] ISBN-13: 9780328972609

  • Student Online Digital Course:
    Full Digital Course with interactivities and links to Student eText for narrative content.
  • Online Teacher Resources:
    Digital course with Interactivities and links to the eText for narative content. Includes Teacher Resources and blackline masters for additional support with ELL strategies, close reading, and skills instruction.
  • This award-winning online learning platform includes your teacher’s edition and complete program functionality online.
  • Log-on to view and use all program materials at your computer or tablet.
  • 1-year of student and teacher digital access to
  • **NOTE: The Homeschool Digital Access Card comes in your print package. Please locate it as soon as you open your package(s). It has the instructions you need to access your online digital content on the Savvas Realize™ Digital PlatformYou need your Order Number when you apply for access. It is located on the label on the box. If you misplace it by accident, please contact us and we can help.

Delivery Method: Blended (Print & Digital)
Device: Tablet, Computer
Operating System: Android, iOS, Windows, Chrome OS, Mac OS

Table of Contents by Chapter

1: The First Americans
2: Age of Exploration
3: Settling the Colonies in North America
4: Life in the Colonies
5: The American Revolution
6: A New Nation
7: Life in the Young Republic
8: Westward Expansion
9: Civil War and Reconstruction

Features of 2019 Savvas myWorld Interactive: Social Studies 5A

Savvas myWorld Interactive Social Studies 5A is a comprehensive and adaptable curriculum that fits a wide range of homeschool settings and schedules.

  • Develop critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills for an engaged civic life.
  • Includes strong ELA instruction to support social studies inquiry and new literacy standards.
  • Helps homeschool teachers achieve their instructional goals in social studies.
  • Create active inquiry experiences that develop skills for active, responsible citizenship with Project-Based Learning.
  • Focuses on inquiry skills and key concepts that support your homeschool standards and the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies.
  • Help homeschool students read text closely, analyze information, and communicate well-defended ideas with integrated ELA resources and routines.
  • Build vocabulary and language skills, support your reading block.
  • Multiple options on the digital platform provide access and equity for culturally responsive teaching, differentiation needs, and delivery approaches.
  • The Savvas Realize™ program adapts to your schedule, your homeschool class time, and your preferences.

Additional Information About myWorld Interactive: Social Studies 5A

Grade 5

List $77.00

Price $61.99

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