Supplement Any Science Course with Lab Demos DVDs
I decided to show them to my three boys when they ranged in age from 5-9 years old. Go figure: they absolutely loved them to the point that when I asked about an educational video, these were often requested. Each DVD has from 12-15 demonstrated experiments ranging from a minute to a few minutes.
4th Grade
Price $20.00
LIFEPAC Science Experiments DVD Grade 4
ISBN: 9780740307294
Item #SD0401
The 4th Grade Science Experiments DVD demonstrates experiments for science topics such as the lever, magnets, crystals, air, currents, constellations, and more.
Running Time: 45 Minutes
For use with LIFEPAC Science 4.
Grade 4
Price $20.00
5th Grade
Price $20.00
LIFEPAC Science Experiments DVD Grade 5
ISBN: 9780740307300
Item #SD0501
The 5th Grade Science Experiments DVD demonstrates experiments for science topics such as flower pollen, fossils, bread molds, and more. There is a total of 16 LIFEPAC experiments and science projects.
For use with LIFEPAC Science 5.
Running Time: 35 Minutes
Grade 5
Price $20.00
6th Grade
Price $20.00
LIFEPAC Science Experiments DVD Grade 6
By Alpha Omega Publications
ISBN: 9780740307317
Item #SD0601
The 6th Grade Experiments DVD demonstrates experiments for science topics such as plants and photosynthesis basic physics, basic chemistry, and biology.
For use with LIFEPAC Science 6.
Running Time: 43 Minutes
Grade 6
Price $20.00
7th Grade
Price $20.00
LIFEPAC Science Experiments DVD Grade 7
ISBN: 9780740307324
Item #SD0701
The 7th Grade Experiments DVD demonstrates experiments for science topics such as weather, astronomy, biology, and chemistry.
For use with LIFEPAC Science 7.
Running Time: 35 Minutes
Grade 7
Price $20.00
8th Grade
Price $20.00
LIFEPAC Science Experiments DVD Grade 8
ISBN: 9780740307331
Item #SD0801
The 8th Grade Science Experiments DVD demonstrates experiments for science topics such as magnetism, static electricity, and chemical and physical changes.
For use with LIFEPAC Science 8.
Running Time: 40 Minutes
Grade 8
Price $20.00
9th Grade
Price $20.00
LIFEPAC Science Experiments DVD Grade 9
ISBN: 9780740307348
Item #SD0901
The 9th Grade Science Experiments DVD demonstrates experiments for science topics such as magnets, atomic structure, units of measure, balance, heat and volume, specific gravity, diffusion, and the effects of sulphuric acid.
For use with LIFEPAC Science 9.
Running Time: 24 Minutes
Grade 9
Price $20.00
10th Grade
Price $20.00
LIFEPAC Science Experiments DVD Grade 10
ISBN: 9780740307355
Item #SD1001
The 10th Grade Science Experiments DVD demonstrates experiments for science topics such as microbiology, ecology, and physiology.
For use with LIFEPAC Science 10: Biology.
Running Time: 90 Minutes
Grade 10
Price $20.00
LIFEPAC Subjects at Lamp Post Homeschool
LIFEPAC® is a registered trademark of Alpha Omega Publications.