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Artistic Pursuits Sculpture Technique Model

Written for the Artistically Gifted Homeschool Student Who Wants to Learn About Sculpture Modeling

The Artistic Pursuits Sculpture Technique Model course by Brenda Ellis is for anyone who wants to learn sculpture modeling techniques with step-by-step instruction and hands-on projects. [Features…]

Sculpture Technique: Model

ARTistic Pursuits Sculpture Technique: Model By Brenda Ellis 9781939394118.

ARTistic Pursuits

List $57.00

Price $49.99

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Sculpture Technique: Model Course

By Brenda Ellis, Publisher: Artistic Pursuits, Inc.

ISBN-13: 9781939394118

The ARTistic Pursuits Sculpture Technique: Model course follows the Sculpture Technique: Construct art course.

  • Your student will model with putty, clay, and wool to create unique sculptures.
  • Designed for independent study by a student who will be self-regulated and guided by independent thinking.
  • The sculptural process is based on the creativity of the artist but also restricted by the materials and processing time.
  • Depending on the time spent on the course, your student can earn one credit for Sculpture 2.
  • Keep track of hours that the student spends planning, sketching, taking field trips to observe sculptures, reading the text and supplemental materials, working on projects, etc.

Upper elementary to high school Ages 11 to 18 Designed as a one year course.

Features of Sculpture Technique: Model

  • Written in a conversational style.
  • Step-by-step instructions with photographs/illustrations of techniques.
  • Lay-flat binding with a plastic cover.
  • Each course gives one-year sculpturing credit upon completion.
  • Specially written for the homeschool setting.
  • Hands-on projects with several sculpture media.
  • Intended for independent study.
  • A full list of necessary art supplies.
  • Each unit has an evaluation to understand elements, creativity, and craftsmanship of the student’s projects.
  • Watch a video about Artistic Pursuits Sculpture Courses.
  • Non-consumable

List $57.00

Price $49.99

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