What Is A Good Homeschool Civics and World Geography Course for 9th Grade?
Lifepac History-Geography 9 emphasize your student’s understanding of and appreciation for God’s activity as seen in the record of man and his relationships.
The focus of the series is on six major themes: Geography, History, Government, Citizenship, Economics, and Social Sciences.
History & Geography 9 Set
Price $108.00
LIFEPAC History 9 Set (Civics & World Geography)
Publisher: Alpha Omega Publications
Item #HIS0915
ISBN-13: 9780867170429
Features of LIFEPAC History and Geography 9: Civics and World Geography
- Looking for a complete history and geography course for your homeschool student?
- The Alpha Omega LifePac History and Geography 9 course contains everything you need.
- The LIFEPAC History worktexts are magazine size—less intimidating than a large textbook.
- Your student works on one at a time per subject.
- It’s easy to take student worktexts when you go places.
- Work at your pace—it’s ok to take longer on one subject and work faster in another.
- Students who can read can work more independently.
- Each LIFEPAC History-Geography 9 Boxed Set is composed of ten LIFEPACs (consumable textbook/workbook combinations) and a Teacher’s Guide.
- Lessons include reading, exercises, projects, reviews and or tests.
- This is a Christian mastery-based history and geography worktext curriculum.
Civics and World Geography topics in LIFEPAC History 9 include:
- Heritage of the United States
- Our National Government
- State & Local Government
- Planning A Career
- Citizenship
- The Earth And Man
- Regions Of The World
- Man & His Environment
- Tools Of A Geographer
- Man In A Changing World
Preview LIFEPAC 9 Samples
Grade 9
Price $108.00
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LIFEPAC® is a registered trademark of Alpha Omega Publications.