Students Will Learn How to Make Healthy Living Choices
Introduce your students to health topics such as fitness, serving sizes, superfoods, vitamins, immune system, food safety and more. Living Healthy is designed for elementary grades 4-6.
Living Healthy
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Living Healthy Homeschool Curriculum
ISBN-13: 9781683442493
This multi-level health course will give your children the knowledge they need to honor God by making a lifetime of healthy choices.
Course Objectives include:
- Build up their strength and endurance through daily physical exercise
- Learn about the different foods that help and harm the body and its functions
- Discover how their body systems work together and take steps to keep themselves clean, inside and out
- Become more confident in their communication skills and managing their emotions
- Assemble their own first aid kit for injuries and create emergency plans for fires and natural disasters
- Grow more responsible and knowledgeable in the areas of health and safety for themselves and their family
- Designed for 4th – 6th graders.
- Use as a 36-week course with two lessons per week or an 18–week course with 4 lessons per week.
- Each lesson takes about 20 minutes, excluding recipes, extensions, and daily walks.
- Paperback with 384 pages.
- Four units will study:
- Exercise
- Nutrition
- Personal health
- Environmental health and safety
- See the Table of Contents
Note to the Teacher: A few sensitive topics are covered in the course. Please review the “Note to the Teacher” section on page 7 of the PDF preview provided on this page and in the curriculum to review them.
Preview Sample Pages
- Living Healthy: Nutrition, Exercise, and Making Wise Choices
Note to the Teacher: A few sensitive topics are covered in the course. Please review the “Note to the Teacher” section on page 7 of this PDF preview and in the curriculum to review them.
Grade 4-6
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Price $38.99
Table of Contents
- Unit 1: Exercise
- Lesson 1: Why Exercise?
- Lesson 2: FITT Principle
- Lesson 3: Types of Exercise
- Lesson 4: Cardiovascular Exercise
- Lesson 5: Strength
- Lesson 6: Flexibility
- Lesson 7: Balance
- Lesson 8: Building Bones
- Lesson 9: Crossing the Midline
- Lesson 10: Upper Body Muscles
- Lesson 11: Middle Muscles
- Lesson 12: Lower Body Muscles
- Lesson 13: Hydrate!
- Lesson 14: Are You Sore?
- Lesson 15: Lactic Acid
- Lesson 16: What to Wear?
- Lesson 17: Your Exercise Environment
- Lesson 18: A Lifetime of Walking
- Unit 2: Nutrition
- Lesson 19: Why Is Food Important?
- Lesson 20: Building with Protein
- Lesson 21: Carbohydrates
- Lesson 22: Fabulous Fats
- Lesson 23: Calories — Friend or Foe?
- Lesson 24: Vitamins of the Alphabet
- Lesson 25: Mini Minerals
- Lesson 26: Fiber
- Lesson 27: Salty Sodium
- Lesson 28: How to Read a Nutrition Label
- Lesson 29: The Sugar Cycle
- Lesson 30: More Sugars
- Lesson 31: Serving Sizes and Balance
- Lesson 32: How Is It Grown?
- Lesson 33: Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen
- Lesson 34: Superfoods
- Lesson 35: Real Food Is Made by God
- Lesson 36: Making Better Choices
- Unit 3: Personal Health
- Lesson 37: God’s Detailed Handiwork
- Lesson 38: The Nervous System
- Lesson 39: The Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems
- Lesson 40: Your Cleaning Crew
- Lesson 41: Delicious Digestive System
- Lesson 42: A Strong Skeletal System
- Lesson 43: Germs & Your Superhero Army
- Lesson 44: Hand Washing: Put Germs in Their Place!
- Lesson 45: Build a Strong Immune System
- Lesson 46: Cleanliness & Healthy Body
- Lesson 47: Types of Health Care
- Lesson 48: Super Skin
- Lesson 49: Designer Dentals
- Lesson 50: Eye Health
- Lesson 51: Super Sleep Cycles
- Lesson 52: How to Communicate with Others
- Lesson 53: Conflict Resolution
- Lesson 54: Emotions
- Unit 4: Environmental Health and Safety
- Lesson 55: Healthy Responsibility
- Lesson 56: Respecting Boundaries
- Lesson 56: Respecting Boundaries
- Lesson 57: First Aid Preparation
- Lesson 58: First Aid for Scrapes and Cuts
- Lesson 59: First Aid for Choking
- Lesson 60: First Aid for Stings and Bites
- Lesson 61: Poisons and Burns
- Lesson 62: Food Safety
- Lesson 63: Allergies in Your Environment
- Lesson 64: Alcohol Awareness
- Lesson 65: Tobacco Addiction
- Lesson 66: Screen Safety
- Lesson 67: Family Fire Safety
- Lesson 68: Bad Weather Safety
- Lesson 69: Electrical Safety
- Lesson 70: Gun Safety
- Lesson 71: Environmental Health
- Lesson 72: Your Health Goals
- Worksheet Helpers
- Exercise Instructions and Game Rules
- Living Healthy Glossary
- Suggested One-Year Schedule
- Unit Tests
- Answer Keys
- Bibliography
More Health Courses at Lamp Post Homeschool
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