Drawing Textbook by Bruce McIntyre

This is our favorite book for teaching sketching basics

Written by the late Bruce McIntyre, this little book has lessons for young and old alike. Teach anyone to draw. With simple lessons, it is easily adaptable for multi-level teaching or homeschool co-ops.

Drawing Textbook

Drawing Textbook by Bruce McIntyre.
Drawing Textbook
By Bruce McIntyre
Item # AV-101

List $19.99

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Drawing Textbook

By Bruce McIntyre, Publisher: Audio-Visual Drawing Program (Draw with Bruce)

Drawing Textbook is one of our customers’ favorite books for teaching children to draw! It’s more fun if you draw along with your children. Even if you say you aren’t artistic, you might learn too.

I purchase a sketchbook and a set of drawing pencils or colored pencils for each child. Then I assign two or three of the easy little drawings per week. The drawings become more intricate as the lessons progress.

We read the short paragraph about each example. Then we try to draw it several times for practice.

  • Students learn about the elements of drawing: surface, size, surface lines, overlapping, shading, density, and foreshortening.
  • Introduce, teach, test and practice those seven elements of drawing and alignment in 222 drawing exercises.
  • Each new exercise adds to previously learned art concepts.
  • Sketches in the lessons in the Drawing Textbook have black and white illustrations.
  • It’s fun to draw them in color. My favorite inexpensive colored pencils for beginners are the one by Crayola®.
  • If you prefer to stick with graphite pencil drawings, then you can find them at your local craft or art store.
  • When you gather the art supplies, look for a nice sketch pad or book.
  • Your student can record his progress since each lesson has a small picture to draw.
  • Or take the lessons together with your family, a small class, or a homeschool co-op.
  • Younger children will need more help.
    • Read the lesson aloud to them.
    • Demonstrate the drawing for the child.
    • Help them to draw the sketch as needed.

Size: 8.5″ x 5.5″, 60 Pages, Softcover, Stapled

Grade Level: All Ages

List $19.99

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