Review of “Henty Books” By Harriet Yoder
PrestonSpeed did an excellent job of reprinting the Henty Books. They had a dream to put this wonderful collection of accurate historical novels back into print. Careful to keep the original spellings and content (no abridging here), Doug and Beverly, owners of PrestonSpeed Publications, printed the books on museum-quality paper with the highest quality cover stock available. The bindings were smyth sewed—not just glued. Unfortunately, the book from PrestonSpeed are no longer in print.
Written for “young lads” these historical novels are great for young lasses too! These excellent books, called Henty Books, make a great basis for homeschool history studies. Each gripping story captures the attention while informing the reader about the history, geography, military, customs, and politics of the era. As we read these aloud for our multilevel history study, we use a historical atlas and plot the movement of the characters on a map. I choose appropriate historical coloring books to keep the younger children busy while the older children prefer to draw their interpretation of the scene.
G. A. Henty does a wonderful job of teaching in his books. With many mentions of science in the books, you can easily coordinate your science program with your readings. Henty usually discusses the animals and science of the age. For example, the characters discuss irrigation in Cat of Bubastes. You’ll also find engineering and science in Henty’s discussions of military tactics.
I especially appreciate that main characters demonstrate character-building values. The young lad is always a good role model for the listener—generous, brave, kind, intelligent (keeping his wits about him), and a good leader. In the books I read there is usually a strong heroine who helps our lad on his quest — in keeping with the traditions of courtship. The young characters are considerate, courageous, and respectful of parents and elders. The hero uses his head in difficult situations and never gives up hope. Before I read the outcome of each peril to them, I challenge my children to figure out solutions. Great for building critical thinking skills.
While there wars and battles in the various novels, one needs to keep in mind that in the time periods we are studying it was typical. Personally, I have gained insight into spiritual warfare. The very characteristics that make our heroes successful in battle will help us to win spiritual battles: courage, determination, creativity, etc. We learn that battles are lost by pride; disagreement among leaders; lack of unity among troops; rejoicing over a victory before it is complete; and not knowing when to retreat.
An added benefit of these books is a wonderful vocabulary. It is always good to read to children using a higher vocabulary level. New words also make for great discussions. Keep your dictionary handy when you are reading these novels.
One suggestion for using the Henty historical novels in your home school curriculum is to read them chronologically and supplement with library books on related topics. Another is to start with the time period you are studying.
Overall, these books will be a great addition to your homeschool library. Though sometimes Henty was a little tedious in his explanations of history at the beginning of the books—to set the scene for the reader—if you stick with it, you will hear “read one more chapter, please!”
G. A. Henty Resources
- Henty Books on Audio See our review of the unabridged Henty novels read by Jim Hodges on MP3 audio CD.
Excellent for the auditory learner!