Interviewer Rob Vail of This Side of the Country Radio Ministry and Harriet Yoder chatted about being called to homeschool. These mp3 audio files should open automatically.
Transcript: If the Lord Has Called You to This Walk…
Do you have any final thoughts?
If the Lord has called you to this walk, you need to know that He has called you. He will not leave you. He will not forsake you. He will give you what you need on a daily basis to keep on doing what He’s called you to do, and you just have to put your trust in Him.
I remember… We had well-meaning people who told us we were warping our children. I remember spending a few days thinking about that and just going, “Oh God, I hope I’m not warping my children. Please help me to get through this. I’m sorry if I’m warping them.”
You know He just drew me back to “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” This is what I’ve called you to. This is what you were chosen to do.
We’re not perfect. We make mistakes. You know God’s grace and mercy. If our heart is in the right place, His grace and mercy will cover those mistakes.
The Lord is the one who teaches our children. It says in Isaiah:
“The Lord will teach all your children and great shall be their peace.”
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