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Adventures in Life Audio CD Series

Dramatized True Life Stories Help Build Character

  • Wonderful for playing in the car on long trips with the children.
  • The inspiring and wholesome stories are available on audio CDs.
  • Save on Adventures in Life CDs during our sale at Lamp Post Homeschool!
  • Scroll down to see the stories on each Adventures in Life Album.

Album #8

Your Story Hour Adventures in Life CD Album 8

Adventures in Life CD Album 8
Publisher: Your Story Hour
ISBN-13: 9781600790300

List $45.00

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Adventures in Life CD Volume 8 Audio CDs

Twenty-five true life stories full of adventure, suspense, and everyday life situations. The Adventures in Life Volume 8 Set includes 12 CDs.

Titles on Adventures in Life CD Volume 8 include:

  1. The Strangest Statement—Witness for Christ/Truthfulness
  2. Nancy Vogue’s Den of Thieves—Honesty
  3. Phillip’s Great Adventure—Honesty and courage
  4. Aunt Serena’s Secret—Concern for others/Use of talents
  5. John Huddleston and his Mule—Persistence/Honesty
  6. When God Said “Wait a While”—God’s answer to prayer
  7. The Long Road From Hong Kong—Conversion
  8. Adoniram Judson Conversion
  9. Rena—Blind girl recovers
    Prayer Planks—Prayer answered
  10. Orphan Arthur—Love and loyalty
  11. Nip and Tuck—God’s watchful care
  12. The False Queen—Courtesy
  13. Inasmuch—First Commandment
    Nickel’s Worth of Honesty—Honesty Pays
  14. Sila’s Investment—Reward in helping educate
  15. The Hidden Money 1—Poverty’s discipline
  16. The Hidden Money 2—Conversion
  17. Strangers in the Night—God’s care for His children
  18. Greg and the Runaway Tractor—Obedience
  19. What Joe Learned—Obedience
  20. After Twenty Years—Character Development
  21. Narcissa Prentiss—Pioneer days
  22. Little Dan and Big Abe—Lincoln teaches a boy forgiveness
  23. The Dying Hero—Civil War veteran’s experiences
  24. Tom and Skip—Consideration for parents
    The Wild Dog—Friendship

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Album #9

Adventures in Life CD Album 9 9781600790317 by Your Story Hour.

Adventures in Life CD Album 9
Publisher: Your Story Hour
ISBN-13: 9781600790317

List $45.00

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Adventures in Life Volume 9 Audio CD

Twenty-four true life stories full of adventure, suspense, and everyday life situations. The Adventures in Life CD Volume 9 includes 12 CDs.

Titles on Adventures in Life Volume 9 include:

  1. Uncle Jake—Kindly old man demonstrates faith
  2. The Stolen Book—Answered prayer
  3. 20th Century Hank vs. Medieval Mom—Generation gap
  4. Three Week’s Notice—Keeping promises
  5. To Kill a Devil—Returning good for evil
  6. One Day at a Time—Marcie learns that too many calories equals too many pounds
  7. The Perfect Valentine—Thoughtfulness of senior citizens
  8. Footprints—Choosing your friends
  9. Chicken Charlie—Mistaken judgment
  10. Coal Oil Johnny—Deceitfulness of riches
  11. The Bluest Ribbon—Faithfulness rewarded
  12. The Stolen Catcher’s Mitt—Honesty
  13. Pine Trees and Pie Dough—Self reliance
  14. A Piece of String—Gossip and mistaken judgment
  15. Pan and the Violin—Overcoming difficulties
  16. Roses and Bluebells—Mother’s day, value of little things
  17. Polio—Overcoming handicaps
    See My Hands—Love in action
  18. The Land of the Free—An immigrant’s frustration in becoming a citizen
  19. Lone way—Temperance
    Why Lennie?—Temperance
  20. Too Soon—Obedience
    Finders, Keepers—Honesty
  21. Mr. Touey—Regard for others
    The Miller and the Indians—Kindness rewarded
  22. Balto’s Race of Life and Death—Brave, faithful dog
    Jon Goeas Seal Hunting—Choosing life’s occupation
  23. Runaway Christmas—Home is more that a house
    Irving and the Besetting Sin—Price of disobedience
  24. The Little Lost Cat—The cat that saved the train
    Ranger Learns too Late—Playing with sin

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Album #10

Adventures in Life CD Album 10 9781600790324 by Your Story Hour.

Adventures in Life CD Album 10
Publisher: Your Story Hour
ISBN-13: 9781600790324

List $45.00

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Adventures in Life Volume 10 Audio CD

Twenty-seven true life stories full of adventure, suspense, and everyday life situations. The Adventures in Life Volume 10 includes 12 CDs.

Titles on Adventures in Life CD Volume 10 include:

  1. High Tide—Obedience
  2. Buddies for Keeps—Honesty and true friendship
  3. Ellen’s Cross Road—Resisting temptation to cheat
  4. For His Own Good—Respect for others
  5. Duke Kindness to pets—a dog story
  6. Tanni, The Deer—Principles of freedom
  7. The Biggest Surprise—Greed
    Red Skinned Angels—God’s care
  8. The Cover Up—One lie leads to another
    When Grandpa Turned Thirteen—Learning obedience
  9. The Private Life of My Dog Bingo—Loyalty of a dog
  10. Little King—A faithful little dog
  11. Two Sides—Concern for others
    Pete and the Pumpkin Patch—Concern for others
  12. Too Smart—Cheating
    Major Barkus—Little dog becomes a hero
  13. Thou Shalt Not Want—Faith and prayer rewarded at Christmas
  14. The Two Jimmies—Orphan boy finds new home at Christmas time
  15. Miss Bossy—Overbearing trait corrected
    Big Leaguer—Courtesy
  16. The Church in the Meadow—Romantic story of an old church and its members
  17. The Gift of the Magi—Christmas story
  18. A Christmas Carol—Charles Dickens classic
  19. Teenage Dupe—Stewardship and dishonesty
  20. Nancy Flies—God’s watchful care
  21. The Measuring Rod—Revealing true motives
  22. One Day—Difference Faithfulness
    Valerie’s Valentine—Love for parents
  23. Courage Plus Friendship—Pioneer family befirends Indians
    Ruben and his Queer Moccasins—Boy uses “ice moccasins” to escape
  24. Caracooche—Mary feeds a starving Indian
    Captain Smith—Leads his men through the Great Salt Desert

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Album #11

Adventures in Life CD Album 11 9781600790331 by Your Story Hour.

Adventures in Life CD Album 11
Publisher: Your Story Hour
ISBN-13: 9781600790331

List $45.00

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Adventures in Life Volume 11 Audio CD

Twenty-five true life stories full of adventure, suspense, and everyday life situations. The Adventures in Life Volume 11 includes 12 CDs.

Titles on Adventures in Life Volume 11 include:

  1. Donna’s Uninvited Guest—Learning respect for the elderly
  2. No Greater Love—Faithfulness and bravery
  3. The Fierce Protector—God provides protection
    Greyfriar’s Bobby—Faithfulness of a dog
  4. Maggie and the Yellow Dogs—God’s protection
    Gunga and the Tiger—Indian boy’s courage
  5. Tested—Resisting temptation to be dishonest
  6. Triangle Tangle—Dishonesty
  7. Mary Jones and Her Bible—A child’s love for Bible
    The 11th Commandment—Christian courtesy
  8. Sharon’s Closet—Neatness and thrift
    Unexpected Caller—Standing for right
  9. The Cow and the Senator—An orphan boy makes good
  10. Rambunctious Doberman—Faithful dog
  11. Christmas Hearts at Easter—Unselfish Love
  12. Farmer Whipple, Bachelor—Romantic poem dramatized
  13. The Crooked Road—Teenage peer pressure
  14. The Long Train Ride—God’s care for two war orphans
  15. Christmas Trilogy—The Fantastic Christmas of 1917, Sam and the Christmas Angels.Lori’s “Just for Love”
  16. A Christmas Story—Dr. Brown’s Christmas party
  17. The Hidden Treasure—What a treasure is and where to hide it
  18. What Happened to Danny—Teenage alcohol addiction
  19. Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief—Thief Shoplifting
  20. Sow Seeds of Kindness—Kindness saves a family from death
  21. Trouble with Thieves—Yielding to temptation
  22. Fool’s Gold—Obedience and honesty
  23. Judy’s True Friend—Pressure to conform by cheating
  24. Temptation—Keeping a promise
    Phillip Learns a Lesson—Gambling, stealing, wrong associate

List $45.00

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